Prevalence of balance disorders and its association with the risk of falls in the geriatric population in tertiary care hospitals of Peshawar


Objective: To determine the prevalence of balance disorders and their association with the risk of falls in the geriatric population in tertiary care hospitals of Peshawar.

Study design: It is a descriptive cross-sectional survey study.

Place and duration of study: The study was conducted in some government tertiary care hospitals of Peshawar i.e., KTH, L.R.H, and HMC. The time duration for our research was 6 months i.e., from January to June 2023.

Material and Methods: The age of all participants was 65 or above. A total of 184 people participated in the research and among them there were 106 males and 78 females. For the collection of data, we used the Berg Balance Scale (BBS). The Berg Balance Scale (BBS) consists of 14 items and every point is marked from 0 to 4, where 0 is severe and 4 is normal. The total score on BBS was 56.

Results: A total of 25 males and 16 females lie between 0 to 20 and had high risks of falls. 129 people lie in 21 to 40 and had a moderate risk of falls. Among them, 70 males and 59 females have moderate risks of falls. Those people who had a mild risk of falls were 14 in number, and among them 11 were males and 3 were females.

Conclusion: We concluded that the senior population were affected by balance disorder and suffered from the risk of fall. In our study, the prevalence of risk of falls was higher in the male population than compared to the female population.

Keywords: Balance disorder, risk of falls, geriatric population.



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Copyright (c) 2023 Muhammad Talha, Shafiq Ur Rahman, Suliman Ahman , Inbesat Shaukat , Marjan Gul , Khwaja Mubashir Waseem